With my final BA project I decided to make a fictitious company. The brand strives to inspire consumers to buy qualitative over quantity, make an emotional attachment between product and user, and somehow give their version on how to make up against today’s fast fashion and over consumption. Tue Te wants to create unique styles, in simple feminine silhouettes, in unique materials that take inspiration in the sublime and shake our understanding of what classically beauty clothes are. With my collection I wanted to meet the needs of most people in society today. We all want to feel unique and special, and no one wants to look like the girls next door. The strategy is to make limited edition pieces, letting the process determine most of the outcome. Upcycling, hand painting, and natural dyeing are just some of the methods you can find in the collection. While the methods ensure that not two styles will ever look exactly alike, I hope to inspire the consumer to appreciate the unique pieces and make them feel special when wearing them. On each garment you can find a small number next to the label, which indicates how many or how few copies of this style are produced, ensuring that each garment is unique. Beneath you will find a small selection of my moodboards, trend research, overall process and photos of my final styles.