Fast Fashion and over-production of clothing, that will get used very few times og even as disposable clothing is a huge problem for our planet. This assignment is written based on the curiosity of how to create a clothing collection, that will be used repeatedly. The assignment answers a thesis statement, as stated: How do you create a women’s collection for the danish brand Soulland, without seasons, that continues the brands design DNA, caters to the target audience, and create a print which is usable in different seasons. This thesis statement is answered by means of a design DNA-analysis, which summarizes Soullands continuous values, with the intent to bring these values into a new collection. A user-driven examination, in the form of “Show me your wardrobe” and a target audience description has been made to highlight the target audience’s needs and wishes, which in return will make it possible to create a collection that will be appreciated and absorbed. To ensure that the designs won’t be disposed after being worn once, the theory of infusing an object with time, from Kristine Harper, has also been used as a tool that can create products which holds an aesthetic value to the user. By using creative methods of ideation, and with inspiration from royal traditions, stretching from different parts of the world, a collection of 12 styles with 2 appurtenant prints have been created.